Despite the weather’s attempts to scare everybody off, it ended up cooperating and we had a great time Saturday night. The music selection definitely qualified as “eclectic,” with record albums ranging from Mantovani and the Boston Pops to The Ventures and Fleetwood Mac. We didn’t get a chance to hear all of the albums people brought, so … we’ll just have to do it again sometime. I thought I heard someone mention something about an LP party at a summer BBQ.
Thanks are due Mike H., for bringing his turntable and speakers. The sound was great and we even hooked up an iPhone to his sound system to watch the ball drop in Times Square (although I never did see the ball; heard the countdown though!).
And, thank you, John R., for providing the spaghetti sauce. Joyce and Kris provided yummy salads, and Kris brought the perfect bread for sopping up spaghetti sauce: big chunks warmed in the oven. We had appetizers and, not surprisingly, a great selection of desserts. The club looked great—it was still dressed up for Christmas and Steve and Joyce had cleaned it that morning so the floor had a beautiful shine.
Thanks to everybody who helped provide food and decorate and thanks to everybody who came out on a cold New Year’s Eve. We closed up a little after 9:00 and I trust everybody got home safe and sound.
Happy New Year!
Lorretta and Randy