Why Join Squalicum Yacht Club
Yacht Clubs in General
When most people hear the words “yacht club” they imagine a certain picture. In Bellingham there are several yacht clubs and they are all different. One wears an appearance of sophistication. One focuses mostly on sailboat racing. One is mostly about boating education. One is known for their parties. And one is mostly about camaraderie and cruising – that is the Squalicum Yacht Club. So there is certainly a club for everyone. Here is why you might be most interested in Squalicum Yacht Club.
Squalicum Yacht Club – Benefits of Membership
We all enjoy the big and small adventures of boating Northwest waters. Like adventures everywhere, sharing them with friends turns big and small adventures into treasured memories. That’s the primary focus of Squalicum Yacht Club. We are a smallish, close-knit family of boaters eager to welcome new comers and turn them into close friends. Our members own boats ranging from trailered cuddy cabins to over 40 feet. Some of us don’t presently own a boat but are boaters none the less. We are informal in all our club activities focusing on friendliness. Our meetings, cruises and gatherings are more like old-friend reunions than anything else. If you have a boat, what a boat, and are interested in cruising our northwest waters you will enjoy the Squalicum Yacht Club.
A Bit of History
Formed in 1937 as the Bellingham Boat Owners Association, our name changed to Squalicum Yacht Club in 1968. We meet in our cozy, historic club house located in the NW corner of Squalicum Harbor (see map). Our club house dates back to the 1940s and was originally built at what is now the Bellingham Airport as a barracks for enlisted men during World War II. It has been restored and refurbished over the years and serves us well. Family boating in Whatcom County began as a do-it-yourself activity where it was important to have a strong support group to learn from and enjoy friendships. Squalicum Yacht Club retains this rich tradition and extends a warm welcome to anyone who love boats and boating.
Our Friendships are Key
- Our old-friend reunion atmosphere is one of our best strengths.
- We hold put-luck meetings through the winter and BBQs during summer every month.
- We are smaller than other local yacht clubs. That helps us stay a close knit but not cliquish boating family.
- We have a broad age spectrum of members.
- We range from “newbie boaters” to “old salts”.
- We eagerly share our collective hundreds of years of boating experience with each other.
- Our annual dues is a fraction of most yacht clubs.
Some of Our Activities
- We host interesting speakers on a variety of boating topics at each pot-luck meeting.
- We organize at least 8-10 club cruises from April through September. Each within a days run from Bellingham.
- Members often organize their own impromptu one or two day cruises. Members often organize their own small group extended cruises to more distant destinations.
- We work on each others boats when needed.
- We cooperate with and support other clubs in advancing their focus.
- We maintain reciprocal moorage agreements with at least 20 other yacht clubs from Olympia to B.C.
- We offer free use of our club house to members for their own events.
Some of Our Community Service
- We host an annual Opening Day of Boating Season breakfast at our club house. All proceeds from the breakfast go to local charities.
- We organize annual work parties at marine state parks.
- We participate in the Port of Bellingham Marine Advisory Committee.
- We offer our club house for rent at very reasonable prices.
Visiting and/or Joining Squalicum Yacht Club
Please go to the Membership>VISIT US page to learn more about trying us out. You can click on this link to email our Membership Chairperson, syc@squalicumyc.org.