Some of Our Boats:

Social Gatherings

One of the most wonderful parts of Club membership is developing friendships and sharing boating knowledge and experiences. Social events give us a time and place to meet and greet fellow members and share common interests. Typically, we have monthly meetings plus BBQ,s, work parties, a potluck Summer Solstice Party, Change of Watch and Awards Christmas Party and of course join our carefully selected cruises.

Summer Cruises

Every month from April through September we schedule cruises to various destinations in the San Juan Islands. We usually have 5-10 cruises each summer. A Cruise Committee proposes a schedule and cruise destinations.   Some destinations are places folks can drive to – we try to include something for everyone. Volunteers sign up to host and organize each cruise.   Over the years we have been to 37 different places, several times to most places – we have our favorites. All club boats are welcome. If you are not yet an SYC member but are thinking of joining, consider asking to join one of our cruises – we welcome new boats and new faces. This would be a great way to get to know us. Contact the appropriate cruise host if you are interested in visiting one of our cruises.

Each year in October several members organize themselves into a Cruise Committee to propose destinations and dates. Many factors are considered in proposing a cruise. Some of these factors are: where have we not been recently, have members requested a certain destination, do we anchor or have a dock or both, what National Holidays might be involved, how tides and currents might affect our boats, what shore-side activities are available. With consensus reached they propose cruises for the following year and ask members to volunteer as hosts for one or more cruises. By January most proposed cruises are confirmed with hosts. Any proposed cruise without a host is dropped for that year.

In addition to the scheduled cruises, many members plan their own cruises some open to all members others for invited guests only. Members are encouraged to form their own impromptu cruises and invite everyone who can make it – some for a day, some for a weekend. Frequently others join in, other times no one can make it. It’s all good.

The bottom line is: Squalicum Yacht Club is all about cruises. If you enjoy being on your boat join us and turn strangers into friends.


clubhouse painting party
Clubhouse painting party

SYC is very proud of it’s historic clubhouse and has enjoyed opportunities through the years to improve on and update it for safety. The Clubhouse is used not only by our membership but also is available to the public for rental. This provides the club with income  from building rentals , meetings and social events. We use work parties to complete the upkeep and improvements of the building. To accomplish this we have used the collective member skills and knowledge to for example; repaint the exterior, signing, rebuild the deck, remodel bathrooms, install a new ceiling, install windows and rewiring. Yes– we have fun on these work parties too.

Community Support

coming soon

Educational Programs

As part of our regular monthly meetings, we have a robust program of guest speakers covering topics of interest to the membership. These speakers bring a wealth of knowledge of a wide range of subjects, but often with a marine focus. Speakers and organizations recently featured include:

  • Northwest Navigation, operator of small passenger vessel David B
  • Pacific States/BC Oil Spill Task Force
  • US Power and Sail Squadron
  • George Dyson, Author and Boatbuilder
  • Richard Rodriquez, Presentation on using apps for navigation
  • Ned Brown, author of Geology of the San Juan Islands
  • Steve Mayo, local marine artist