Commodore’s Message

posted in: General, Meeting | 0

As 2016 comes to a close it’s good to reflect on the year and look ahead to the next.

For the club, perhaps the most significant event was the residing of the clubhouse. This was certainly the most expensive project the club has undertaken in some time, but the reward is that new siding will help ensure that our nearly 75 year old building lasts another 75 years. A lot of work went into planning this project, and I want to extend a big thank you to everyone who was involved.

Another big thank you to those who volunteered to paint the new siding once it was done. I’ve said it before, and I’m sure I’ll say it many more times in the next year, I’m always amazed at the enthusiasm with which members step up and volunteer when a task is at hand. It’s one of the many things that makes this club so great.

We also had a great cruise schedule, with some well attended cruises. For those who missed the Stewart/Salotti shadow puppet show at Eagle Harbor, well, maybe they might come up with another show for one of our cruises next summer. Which is a good segue into looking ahead…

The cruise committee has drawn up a very full list of cruises for 2017. But not all of them will happen unless someone steps forward as a Cruise Captain. I think most of the cruises are filled, but there may still be some open ones. Take a look at the schedule, and let Kristi know if you are interested in hosting.

2017 is our 80th anniversary year. As a club, do we want to recognize this somehow? I’m open to ideas, let me know if you have thoughts on how we can celebrate this milestone.

I hope to see everyone at the Christmas party. If I miss you, have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!